I love woodpeckers. They’re so unique. There’s nothing else like them. They found a way to do something that’s beneficial for their evolution. They’re the only ones that do it and they can do it in peace all by themselves without any competition. That’s beautiful. What are they picking for?
I gotta turn the car off. Should be better. Book check. I don’t want to run it for too long. Woodpeckers. Peck wood, for a few key reasons. Finding food. That’s yeah, that’s what I thought they searched for insects inside the trunk of a tree larva, ants beetles also eat the sap.
They build a nest excavate cavities, and trees to create nests where they’re young. And then away from them to communicate and defend their territory from other birds. Wow, that’s incredible. I didn’t know they could do that. It’s a language as well. The drumming can be loud and used to attract mates, the pecking is a language, they might not have vocal cords, but they have beaks.
And they can talk to each other through pecking on trees. Just like what Native Americans and Comanches did to communicate with other tribes. A lot of civilizations did this. Lighting a lighthouse on like a flame on a lighthouse. I’m sure the Vikings and The Irish. What do you call it?
Celtics did that. Wow. Woodpeckers are a lot smarter than I give them credit for. Wow. Wow.